What Does Opal Do Spiritually?
In a religious or spiritual context, whatrole does opal play?
Opals, like every other kind of gemstone,have the potential to be used to a significant degree in the practice ofspiritual healing. Blue opal, with its hues that are suggestive of the ocean,possesses a few of its own distinct metaphysical characteristics. Blue opal maybe found in a variety of sizes and shapes.
What are some of the things that may bedone with the help of blue opal?
One of the most helpful types of opal forpsychological and spiritual restoration is the blue kind. In general, it isbelieved that blue stones may bring about a sense of tranquility, as well aswisdom and a reawakening of one's spiritual nature.
If you're having problems getting over anemotional hang-up, such the hurt from a recent breakup or the difficulty ofmaking a decision that includes your feelings, blue opal may be able to help.Try it if you're having trouble. The stone has the ability to still the anxiousthoughts that are going through your brain at this moment and to offer you withthe level-headed understanding that you need in order to continue. In additionto this, the stone has the power to inspire confidence, which will enable youto feel secure about the decision that you make.
In addition, much like the Owyhee tales,these gems establish a connection between our physical selves and our spiritualselves, which is vital. In this way, the jewels are comparable to the Owyheestories.
The skies or the spiritual world are twocommon places where people go for answers, and the sky is often used inliterature as a stand-in for both realms. The water of the sea is designed tobe a metaphor for our physical bodies, which are believed to be linked to theground. This connection is expected to be reflected in the sea.
Because the blues and greens in thisspecific kind of opal include hues that are reminiscent of both the sea and thesky, the stone may serve as a tether for those who are going on spiritualjourneys. In addition, the merging of these two forces, which at first glanceseem to be in direct competition with one another, helps to bring to ourattention the fact that harmony is an absolute need for experiencing pleasure.
Let's have a conversation about balancing,and more precisely, which of your chakras, if any, this opal may help you bringback into harmony.
Which of the Chakras is Associated with theBlue Opal?
There is a connection between the hue blueopal and the throat chakra.
The throat chakra may be found in the neckregion, specifically in the area of the throat. (This shouldn't really come asmuch of a surprise, should it?) This chakra is in charge of all aspects ofhuman communication, from our capacity to comprehend what the thoughts of othersare to the words that we use to express who we are. In a broader sense, thethroat chakra is the place where we discover our unique voice and work out themeaning of our life's purpose.
When our throat chakra is blocked, it has anegative impact not just on ourselves, but also on others in our immediateenvironment. When we deny our feelings for an extended period of time, we putourselves in danger of behaving in an unreasonable manner and alienatingourselves from the rest of the world.
The use of a blue-hued opal may aid one inregaining balance in their throat chakra or opening this chakra entirely. Whenthis chakra is open and functioning properly, we are able to accept our truestselves and transmit our unique skills and abilities to the outside world.Taking a minute to collect our thoughts and become more self-aware is all thatis required of us before we can speak our truth with self-assurance and withoutholding back out of fear.
Just one more question: do blue opals fetcha reasonable price?
Blue Opal Prices and Value
Blue opals may not be as highly soughtafter as black opals, but due to the vibrant patterns and colors that arecharacteristic of blue opals, they may still fetch a large price. Black opalsare considered to be more valuable than blue opals. Is it true that blue opalmay run a person a pretty penny? The color of a blue opal's backdrop or"body tone" is one of the most important factors that goes intoestablishing its pricing. When it comes to the process of valuation, therelevance of the hue's color density and intensity cannot be stressed.
For instance, a blue opal that is not asvivid and with a black backdrop may sell for around $50 per carat if it is ingood condition. On the other hand, there is a possibility that the cost willincrease by a factor of two as the color intensity grows. The most valuableblue opals will have a background that is incredibly dark, nearly as dark asblack, with beautiful, dazzling colours flashing across the gemstone. This willallow the opal to fetch the highest prices possible. In point of fact, a blueopal that exhibits blue-green colors may command a price that is far more thanthat of a boulder or crystal opal. This is because of the unique colorcombination that it has.
These stunning blue opals might fetch aretail price of up to $250 per carat on the market. Because every single opalis one of a kind, calculating the price of a blue opal will ultimately comedown to the color intensity, the background, and the gem quality of the opalitself. This is because of the fact that all opals are absolutely unique.